Canadian Financial Summit
All Access Pass

Canadian Financial Summit 2020 Speakers
  • Stream all interviews and presentations - anytime - for life.
  • Get 4 Exclusive Q&A Sessions: Ask your questions to four of Canada’s top experts in Financial Planning, DIY Retirement Planning, Personal Planning for Corporation Owners, and Investing & Tax Strategies for High Net Worth Families.
  • 5 All Access Pass Bonus Interviews:
    Dive into how your OAS and CPP will be calculated (real case studies), secret credit card points hacks, + 5 retirement mistakes Canadians should avoid at all costs!

  • Details on building a million dollars of net worth before your 40th birthday – from experts who have actually done it.
  • Every episode available as a podcast!


  • How to Plan Your Own Retirement
  • 5+ Talks for Small Business Owners
  • Utilizing a Spousal RRSP
  • Retirement Decumulation Strategies
  • Answer: Will I Be Ok In Retirement?

  • Is Paying for Financial Advice Worth It?
  • Organizing Your Retirement Portfolio In Your Final Working Years
  • Save Your Retirement Nest Egg from the Tax Man
  • Preparing Your Portfolio for Falling Interest Rates

All Access Pass Exclusive Q&A Sessions

Our 4 experts answer your specific questions and make sure you leave the Summit with personalized advice!


Jason Heath

Financial Planning & Investing Specialist

Jason Heath (CFP) has been providing financial planning for over 20 years and is one of Canada’s best-known fee-only financial planners. Jason is routinely interviewed in Canada’s major news publications, and is a widely-read columnist.


Thuy (Twee) Lam (CFP)

Cash Flow Planning Specialist

Thuy (Twee) Lam (CFP) has over two decades of financial planning, wealth management, and business consulting experience. She specializes in helping folks deal with the combined emotional and financial implications of large life events such as retirement, divorce, losing a loved one, or starting a new business.


Brenda Hiscock

Banking and Expat Financial Planning Specialist

Brenda Hiscock is a longtime financial planner and college professor. Her career has also seen her take on everything from Bank Branch Manager to Director of Business Development. Brenda is routinely interviewed as a financial planning expert by publications such as the Globe and Mail and


Kyle Prevost

DIY Retirement Planning Specialist

Kyle Prevost has written more than 3,000 articles and hosted over 600 podcast/summit sessions looking at all aspects of Canadian personal finance. He spent over a year creating Canada’s first DIY retirement course: 4 Steps to a Worry-Free Retirement.

5 Bonus Interviews - Only for the All Access Pass


Kyle Prevost

CPP Deep Dive

For most Canadians, there is no more important topic than the Canadian Pension Plan. It’s also one of the most misunderstood parts of Canadian personal finance. With so much misinformation out there about CPP, don’t miss this sessions we’re Kyle slowly-but-surely breaks down the math behind how your CPP will be calculated, and how you can make the most out of it. He’ll also decisive answer if the CPP will even be there for you when you need it most!

Kornel Szrejber

Kyle Prevost & Kornel Szrejber 

5 Retirement Mistakes Canadians Make Every Year

Listen to this tag team discuss the 5 most common mistakes that they have seen after years of helping Canadians plan their retirement. If you can avoid these five areas of struggle, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying your golden years. (And be far ahead of the rest of the country!)


Barry Choi

Get Free Stuff With Better Credit Cards

Barry Choi is Canada’s foremost travel expert. If you want to learn how to save money on travel and get great perks like $0 flights or free hotel nights, he has you covered. Don’t miss this session if you want to find out how to maximize your credit card spending so that you get a ton of free stuff. See the latest credit card offers, and don’t pay a cent for your vacation this year!


Mike Burns

Making the Most Out of an Inheritance

Inheritances can be an emotionally-fraught topic for many families. At the same time, they can be life-changing one-off financial transactions. The stakes are high for getting inheritance plans right whether you’re the recipient or the person leaving an inheritance. Tune in to hear us talk about where to start these difficult discussions, as well as how to optimize your inheritance so that it can do the most good.

Mike is a Certified Financial Planner as well as a Chartered Investment Manager with more than two decades as an investment professional, so he has answered many Canadian inheritance questions!


Kyle Prevost

OAS Deep Dive

Many Canadians don’t even realize that their “government pension” is two separate programs: The Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS). Will you be entitled to a full OAS pension payment? What’s the secret hack to get a much higher (36%!!!) OAS payment each month? Is the OAS sustainable, or will payments shrink in the future? Tune in to answer all of these questions using real math - not just big picture theories.

BONUS RESOURCES ($1,099+ Value)


We wanted to remove all doubt and over-deliver when it came to the Premium All Access Pass. Even if you completely disregard the All-Star Speaker Panel, these bonus resources alone would be worth more than $1,099!

  • Get 4 Exclusive Q&A Sessions: Ask your questions to four of Canada's top experts ($500 Value):
  • Get 6 Bonus Interviews: Lifetime access to six full videos never seen by regular Summit attendees  ($100 Value)
  • 40+ Sessions exclusively available to All Access Pass holders as downloadable podcasts ($99 Value)

You Also Get These Bonuses:

  • Can I Retire Yet? The Ultimate Guide to Retirement, the 4% Rule, Investments & Portfolio Withdrawals in Canada ($99 Value)
  • Getting Your Foot In the Door: Buying a Home in Canada eBook ($99  Value)
  • A step-by-step 40-page guide explaining exactly how Summit Founder Kyle Prevost invests his own money ($99 Value)
  • A custom-made Canadian cheat sheet to help keep the tax man's hands off what's yours ($79 Value)
  • The quiz to finding the best Canadian budgeting app for YOU ($29 Value)
  • The full-length eBook of More Money for Beer and Textbooks A Financial Guide for Today's Canadian Student ($19 Value)
  • Build Your Canadian Expat Pension - Taxes and Investing Away from Home eBook ($99 Value)

I'm so confident in this value-packed Summit, that if you don't love it... I'll give you your money back ---> No Questions Asked!


1) Invest in the all access pass TODAY before the price goes up to $250 (full price after the Summit). You understand the value of a dollar or you wouldn't be tuning in to personal finance experts.

How about a discount of $100? That's the instant savings you're looking at by locking in our exclusive discount sale on the Premium All Access Pass.

We want to reward our dedicated readers, the ones that know the value that this group of elite speakers brings to the table by offering them extreme value if they want to commit to us right out of the gate.

2) Identify the areas of your personal finance game that could use a bit of coaching:

Whether you're just learning the difference between a stock and a bond, or you are looking to implement the specifics of advanced strategies like the Smith Maneuver, we have something for you.

In order to get the most out of your Summit, get lazer-focused on your next steps.

 Action item Create a list of questions you need answered from this Summit. As an owner of the All Access Pass, you can ask your questions directly to our panel of experts (4 specialists in the fields of investing, financial planning, cryptocurrency, and personal finance).

3) Check out our All-Star Speaker Panel and benefit from their expertise. This is the best group of Canadian personal finance speakers that has been assembled in one place EVER Bar None!

Don't wait to start learning. Our experts have:

  • Authored 100+ Canada-focused personal finance books
  • Hosted 600+ podcasts
  • Written more than 20,000 blog posts!
  • Been featured in hundreds of media articles from every major news and financial publication in Canada

4) Create a next-steps plan of attack.

Ideation without execution is only delusion. Don't succumb to paralysis by analysis!

You don't need to know EVERYTHING to get started on THE NEXT THING.

 Action item  What will you have done in a week? Two weeks? One month?


"Those bonus videos alone are worth the price of a ticket."

"The eBooks and other free resources - combined with the any-time & anywhere convenience - was just too much to pass up. I'll save hundreds of dollars with the bonus tax workbook alone!"

"Some of these experts charge like $300+ for an hour of their time - now I get to pick their brain as a bonus!"

"I just wanted to go back and re-watch certain talks again in more detail to make sure I didn't miss anything."

"I know I'm not buying a house yet, but I probably will - I wanted to go back and re-watch the talks when I was in the thick of it!"

"My work week is crazy, and I know I won't have time to catch the talks I want. I'm excited to space them out over a few weeks to get the most out of these experts and really maximize my time." 

Does any of that sound like you?

Lock in your savings today:


Going to conferences can be rewarding, but they can also be a bit of a pain.

I mean, have you been to an airport recently? In pandemic times, they are causing even more anxiety than usual.

With the Canadian Financial Summit you can look forward to:

  • On-demand sessions that fit your schedule (no hard choices or times to worry about)
  • Hours of travel time saved (and headaches avoided)
  • No need for PCR tests, vaccination certificates, or any other paperwork!
  • The most comfortable quiet spot in your house or favourite coffee shop
  • Your most snuggly pajamas or softest home-only t-shirt
  • A community of personal finance learners from across Canada to connect with


  • Will you be optimizing and rebalancing your portfolio?
  • Will you be purchasing your first house?
  • Will you be taking your side hustle to the next level?
  • Will you be planning your first adventurous travel on the cheap?
  • Will you be your own financial advisor?
If you answered yes to any of those questions  you'll want some specific help at that time. Lifetime access type of help!


  • How to plan your own retirement at any age
  • Maximize your corporate investing accounts
  • How to save money on taxes by optimizing your RRSP to RRIF transition
  • Plan your personalized combination of a DIY portfolio alongside an annuity for a customized stream of retirement asset growth + monthly income.
  • Get the most money from your dividends vs salary strategy (small business owners)
  • Avoid the new 2024 capital gains tax grab
  • How to efficiently transition your investing nest egg to a steady stream of retirement income
  • How to navigate the retirement risk zone when you first retire
  • Why RRSPs aren’t a rip off  + hidden RRSP benefits!
  • Boosting your spousal RRSP + income splitting strategies
  • When to take your OAS and CPP
  • Travel for free with Canada’s loyalty rewards programs
  • …And MUCH MORE!

I'm so confident in this value-packed Summit, that if you don't love it... I'll give you your money back ---> No Questions Asked!

Time is running out!
